Winters & Yonker Personal Injury Lawyers 601 W Swann Ave Tampa, FL 33606 personal injury and car accident lawyer in Tampa

Rollover Accidents in St. Petersburg, FL

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Rollover Accidents in St. Petersburg, FL

If you were injured in a rollover car accident in St. Petersburg, FL, you could be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries. Rollover accidents can be especially dangerous, causing serious harm to accident victims. 

Those hurt in a St. Petersburg, Florida, rollover crash can count on the experienced St. Petersburg rollover accident attorneys at Winters & Yonker Personal Injury Lawyers to help pursue a personal injury claim to address medical bills, lost earnings, and other costs due to the accident. 

Contact our law office today to schedule a free consultation at (727) 314-5988 with a St. Petersburg rollover accident attorney and learn more about your legal options. 

How Winters & Yonker Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You After a Rollover Accident in St. Petersburg

How Winters & Yonker Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You After a Rollover Accident in St. Petersburg

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries due to a rollover accident in St. Petersburg, FL, the dedicated and experienced St. Petersburg car accident attorneys at Winters & Yonker Personal Injury Lawyers can help. 

When you hire us, our St. Petersburg personal injury attorneys can do the following: 

  • Investigate your claim
  • Identify at-fault parties 
  • Discuss legal options
  • Assess damages 
  • Negotiate for a fair settlement
  • Represent you in court when needed

Contact us today to learn more about how our St. Petersburg rollover accident attorneys can help with your case. 

What Causes Rollover Accidents? 

Rollover accidents can have many causes, but many involve different factors combined together to create a rollover accident. Weather elements can create rollover crashes, for example, when a driver swerves at high speed in wet road conditions. 

Other common causes of rollover accidents in St. Petersburg can include: 

  • Human error. If a driver loses attention and drifts into the opposite lane, for example, they might overcorrect the steering wheel and cause their vehicle to lose balance. Other examples include driving too fast into turns or driving recklessly. 
  • Poorly designed roadways. At times, the road itself can be to blame for rollover accidents. This can cause an ordinarily cautious driver to flip their vehicle by mistake when navigating the road. 
  • Speeding. Driving at an unsafe speed can make it harder to make turns and can also cause a vehicle to flip and roll over if it collides with any object. In these situations, driver negligence is usually to blame. 
  • Manufacturing defects. A flaw in vehicle design can sometimes lead to a vehicle rollover. In these cases, a victim can pursue damages from the manufacturer under a product liability theory. 
  • Negligence of others. If a driver swerves to avoid another driver who is operating with negligence, their attempt to avoid impact can cause their own vehicle to roll over and crash. The same is true if someone negligently leaves an object, such as construction equipment, in the middle of a roadway. 

Our skilled rollover accident attorneys can help you identify the cause of your collision. 

What Injuries Are Common in Rollover Accidents? 

Rollover accidents lead to many severe injuries, including thousands of fatalities, each year. Because of the violent nature of the crash and the potential for occupants to be thrown from vehicles, rollover crashes often lead to substantial medical bills and long-term injuries. 

Many injuries connected to rollover accidents in Florida include: 

  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries
  • Bruises and contusions 
  • Lacerations
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Airbag injuries
  • Burns 

Some of these injuries can be catastrophic and even permanent. If another driver caused the rollover crash, they can be held liable for your medical bills, therapy costs, and other expenses due to the crash. 

What to Do After a Rollover Crash 

Seek medical help, or wait for help to arrive as soon as you are able. If you are isolated and are able to call 911, you should do so. First responders are best equipped to give you the immediate care and assistance you need. It is always advisable to accept medical treatment and a trip to the hospital if asked. 

Be sure to document all medical treatment and related expenses, as these will be part of your personal injury claim. An experienced car accident lawyer will be able to further assist you with gathering proof of costs and evidence related to your claim. 

Collecting Damages After a Rollover Accident 

In a personal injury claim, an accident victim can typically seek two types of damages: economic damages and non-economic damages. 

Economic damages are those that are directly connected to your expenses. For example, medical bills, property damage, and lost wages can be reimbursed as economic damages in a personal injury claim. 

Non-economic damages are those that can’t necessarily be described on a spreadsheet. Pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of companionship are the “intangible” damages for which a claimant can seek compensation. 

Can I Be Held Liable in a Rollover Crash? 

Liability for a car accident will depend on the facts involved in each particular case. Even in a single-vehicle crash, road or weather factors can play a role and prevent a driver from being found responsible. 

To prove negligence in a Florida car accident case, a plaintiff would need to show: 

  1. That the other driver had a duty of care to other drivers on the road. 
  2. That the other driver breached this duty of care. 
  3. That the driver’s breach caused the victim’s injuries. 
  4. That the driver’s conduct led to damages – physically, mentally, and financially. 

The negligence of another driver, a governmental agency, product defects, or even pedestrians and bicyclists can play a role in considering liability. 

Contact Our St. Petersburg Rollover Accident Attorneys for a Free Consultation

Winters & Yonker Personal Injury Lawyers understands what you’ve been through and how to seek justice and fair compensation after a devastating rollover accident in St. Petersburg, FL. Contact our St. Petersburg rollover accidents to learn more about what our attorneys can do for you.

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